Frequently Asked Question: What is Aquamin ™ and how much calcium is in Kiki Milk?
Aquaman is a superhero that possesses superhuman strength, the ability to breathe underwater, and the capacity to communicate telepathically with creatures of the sea, among other powers. Drink Kiki Milk, and you just might be able to do the same!
But, actually:
Aquamin™ is a unique marine multi-mineral complex, providing bioactive calcium, magnesium and approximately 72 other trace marine minerals*. It supports bone health, reduces inflammation, and makes for a happier and healthier gut. It's a seaweed superfood.
Where does Aquamin™ come from?
⭐ Aquamin™ is extracted from the cell wall of the red marine algae, Lithathamnion calcareum, which is harvested from the cold Atlantic waters off the northwest and southwest coast of Ireland. Over the course of its 5-year lifespan, the algae absorb trace minerals from the sea, giving Aquamin™ its unique multi-mineral content. The algae are then naturally broken down and settled into the sea beds forming calcified skeletal remains, which are harvested with international standards for sustainable marine aquaculture.
Why do we use Aquamin™ in Kiki Milk?
⭐ For plant-based calcium! Thanks to some mighty seaweed, Kiki Milk Original has 228 mg of calcium per serving and Kiki Milk Chocolate has 229 mg of calcium per serving. That makes a pretty good dent in your daily calcium targets and gives you real food fuel to get you through the day.
*Aquamin™ contains a wide spectrum of trace minerals assimilated from sea water. Aquamin™ is a natural ingredient and trace mineral levels may vary over time.